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Martinson's 1968 Eagle 01 #7420

This is a public forum. This forum will be a place to show your Project Eagle and updates on progress you have made. Please make one thread with your project and put all updates in the same thread. Sorry... Eagles only.
Eagle obsessed
Posts: 322
Joined: Thu Jun 14, 2018 11:37 am
Bus Model: 1968 model 05 Eagle series 60 and B500
Location: McCook NE

Re: Martinson's 1968 Eagle 01 #7420

Post by Eagle obsessed »

very nice! i believe i have seen this bus and shop on instagram. very detailed documentation well done! 
1968 05 Series 60/B500 swap 2019-2021
1971 05 8v71 Spicer 4 speed parts bus
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