Forum Announcements

Contact Informaton: ...Email: .... Text: three zero three 478-3501
NOTEL These contacts will not address technical questions -- that is what this forum is for.

Registration to the forum is open to the public (*) and free from any cost or obligation.
Link to the registration form: ucp.php?mode=register. Please allow up to 36 hours for your application to be processed. If you have any problems registering, please contact us via the contact information above.
(*) spambots will be deleted-- only legitimate public applications will be processed

As of 11/6/2024 the forum software platform is the latest version. The frustrating updating process is documented in this thread: viewtopic.php?t=5096

Update 11/18/2024: Finally got an Eagle "logo" on the header -- you may not see it for reasons explained in the above thread. No problems have been reported or detected in the past few days.

Reminder: the "quick links" menu offers you the best navigation of this forum -- you need to be registered and logged in to see that menu.

Technical Archive

This forum will archives technical threads that are unique to Eagle Buses. There will be one thread for general comments, but the technical threads will be locked. The intent is to have a repository for detailed technical information that can be of prime importance to an Eagle Bus Owner. New threads can only be created by the forum administrators.
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